The theme The student journey: skilling for life was the focus of this year's conference. While every student’s journey is different, more and more research and discussion points to how workers must become lifelong learners to enable them to grow and evolve with their jobs. VET plays a critical role in making this happen. Accordingly, the conference discussion paper, The student journey, was released one week prior to the conference.
Program and presentations
Download a copy of the Conference Guide including the full program and abstracts.
Copies of presentations (if provided) are available in VOCEDplus, NCVER's international tertiary education research database.
Hear from speakers
Program highlights include dynamic opening keynote speaker Dr Fiona Kerr, a prominent thought leader who consults globally in the fields of cognitive neuroscience, complex systems dynamics, human connectivity and the impacts of technologisation. Dr Kerr discussed the neurophysiological effects of interaction between humans and technology and how it relates to learning and the adaption of new technologies.
Senator The Hon Michaelia Cash, Federal Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business opened the conference on Thursday, followed by The Hon David Pisoni MP, South Australian Government Minister for Innovation and Skills. Mr David Coltman, Chief Executive of TAFE SA, followed with a co-host address.
The Hon Michaelia Cash's presentation
The Hon David Pisoni MP's presentation
Mr David Coltman's presentation
Facilitated by broadcaster Steve Davis, on Friday the following panel discussed Lifelong learning: VET’s role now and into the future.
- Mr Shannon Baldock, Electrical Lecturer, TAFE SA
- Ms Rachelle Boyle, Event Planning Coordinator, Adelaide Convention Centre
- Mr Tom Cleghorn, Manager Workforce Development, Resthaven
- Mr Anthony Kittel, Chief Executive Officer, REDARC Electronics
Dinner speaker Glenn Cooper AM, Chairman Coopers Brewery provided an entertaining speech inspired by the Cooper family's ability to compete with industry giants by using their family name to their advantage.
Scholarship congratulations
Scholarships were offered again this year, for the third year running. This initiative, which is part of NCVER's commitment to build capacity and capability in VET research, is designed to facilitate attendance and widen participation from across the VET sector.
Congratulations to the following ‘No Frills’ 2019 scholarship recipients:
- VET Development Centre Practitioner Scholarship: Ms Deb Carr, Think About Learning
The RPL candidate — a neglected stakeholder
- NCVER Early Career Researcher Scholarship: Mr Cameron Williams, Black Dog Institute
Investing in our future: Identifying and minimising students' detrimental individual differences while strengthening positive characteristics
- NCVER Researcher Scholarship: Mr Mark Williams, Building & Construction Industry Organisation, New Zealand
Employers' perspectives of the benefits and barriers to women in trades and what needs to change