About the conference
The 32nd National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research Conference ‘No Frills’ was co-hosted with RMIT University in Melbourne on Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 July 2023. It was a sell-out!
Skilling Australia's current and future workforce was the focus of this year's conference. We asked presenters about strategies for constructing a resilient VET sector capable of tackling existing skill shortages and preparing for future challenges.
For a summary of the key issues discussed at the conference, download the discussion paper.
Program and presentations
Download a copy of the Conference Guide including the full program and abstracts.
Copies of presentations (if provided) are available in VOCEDplus, NCVER's international tertiary education research database.
Hear from speakers
The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP, Minister for Skills and Training, opened the conference.
Program highlights included opening keynote speaker Professor Peter Dawkins AO, Interim Director, Jobs and Skills Australia. Professor Dawkins' presentation outlined Jobs and Skills Australia's role and progress, and discussed current VET system pressures, future trends, and initiatives such as the National Jobs and Skills Roadmap, the Clean Energy Capacity Study and the VET National Data Asset.
Ms Danielle Wood, Chief Executive Officer, Grattan Institute delivered day two's keynote address, and delved into the big economic and labour market trends. Danielle discussed what the VET sector can do to set Australia up for success through training future workers in growth areas like digital, care and the clean economy.
Keynote presentations will be available on NCVER's YouTube channel shortly.
'No Frills' 2024
The co-host and venue for the 33rd National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research Conference 'No Frills' will be announced shortly.
Sponsor thanks
A big thank you to our sponsors for their valued support.
Conference contact
Alice Wilson
Events and Marketing Officer
National Centre for Vocational Education Research
E: alicewilson@ncver.edu.au
P: 08 8230 8451