Abstract - Thursday 11 July - afternoon session

VET Emerging Industries Initiative - skilled workers for new or evolving jobs


Andrew Peters
Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Theme: Industry


A key announcement at the Queensland Workforce Summit in March 2022 was the VET Emerging Industries (VEI) initiative to reprioritise VET investment in four key industries - Manufacturing, Energy, Agribusiness, and Screen and Media. These are industries where disruption is anticipated to require new training and skills, or where there are future employment opportunities.

VEI ensures Queensland has the skilled workers it needs in new and emerging industry sectors and in established industries where new occupations and job roles are evolving.

Across the four priority industries, funding has been divided between industry strategies delivered by Public Providers and Industry Skills Funds.


Manufacturing Skills Fund

TAFEQ Manufacturing Strategy


TAFEQ Agriculture, Rural and Regional Strategy

Agriculture Skills Fund

Beef Processing Skills Fund


TAFEQ Renewable Energy Strategy

Hydrogen Skills Fund

Electric Vehicle Skills Fund

TAFEQ Screen and Digital Strategy

VEI harnesses the expertise of industry, government and other stakeholders. Through a variety of approaches, projects developed and delivered attract and retain new entrants, and reskill, upskill, or build on existing qualifications and skills of existing workers.

Streams of activity:

VET products - the development of VET products such as new qualifications, micro-credentials, skill sets, units of competency and non-accredited training courses are crucial in providing innovative and flexible training and teaching solutions to support the skill needs of emerging industries.

Skills gap training - analysing and then addressing the gaps between employees' existing skills and those required for industry is an efficient and agile way to upskill and reskill the workforce to meet industry needs.

Workforce development - fostering and implementing awareness raising strategies about new or changing industries assists businesses to prepare their workforce and be ready to engage in emerging industries.

Through the initiative 41 Public Provider and 24 Skills Fund projects have been funded for delivery and to date, over 1550 participants and 595 employers have benefited.

Products and services developed include VET accredited training product development; training delivery; building trainer capability for RTOs; recruitment of project and research officers and workshops and exhibitions.

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