
1. DISCUSSION PANEL: VET partnerships powering a dynamic workforce

This discussion panel will be based on the conference discussion paper, ‘VET partnerships powering a dynamic workforce’, which explores past research to highlight what we know about making partnerships effective for all participants. In many of NCVER’s recent research publications, RTO engagement in VET partnerships has been identified as vital to training quality, student success and employer satisfaction.

The conference discussion paper also highlights how partnerships enable us to reach the vulnerable cohorts that remain under-represented in training and the workforce and considers what more can be done to support VET partnerships, and by extension further improve VET’s flexibility to meet Australia’s emerging and rapidly changing workforce needs.

The conference discussion paper will be published on 3 July 2024.

Headshot of Joy de Leo manager of the Research and Data Analytics Branch at NCVER

Moderator: Dr Joy de Leo, Research and data Analytics Manager, NCVER

Joy has worked in education for over 40 years in both public and private sectors, involved in policy, curriculum development, research, management, advocacy, and teaching in the school and tertiary education sector.

She manages a team of NCVER researchers and data analysts to deliver the National VET research and advanced analytics programs, which integrate quantitative with qualitative research with advanced analytics and data linkages with other agencies, to inform policy development for Senior Skills Officials.

Headshot of Vivienne Scott, panellist at NCVER's No Frills VET research conference

Ms Vivienne Scott, Executive Director Product and Quality, North Metropolitan TAFE

Vivienne Scott is the Executive Director Product and Quality at North Metropolitan TAFE (NMTAFE), the largest vocational training provider in Western Australia. With over 30,000 students each year, Vivienne oversees the quality and development of training programs and delivery at NMTAFE’s nine campuses.

With a background in organisational psychology and team development, Vivienne is passionate about quality teaching and learning in the VET Sector and has led policy development and projects to assist the development of dual professionals.

By leading innovation in product design and quality through NMTAFE’s Teaching and Learning Committee and Academic Board, Vivienne also manages the Academic Support and Library teams, helping to transform learning environments, driving experimentation with and access to cutting edge technologies.

Vivienne has led industry partnerships with large private and government organisations ensuring needs of students, industry and community are met and never compromising on quality training delivery and outcomes for all stakeholders.

Headshot of Jim Walker, panellist at NCVER's No Frills VET research conference

Mr Jim Walker, Chair WA State Training Board

Jim has over 45 years experience in the resources, construction, transport and agricultural sectors. Jim was previously CEO of WesTrac Pty Ltd, one of the world’s largest Caterpillar dealers.

Jim is currently Chair of the State Training Board WA, Non-Executive Chair RACWA Holdings Pty Ltd, RAC Insurance Pty Ltd, Austin Engineering Ltd and Chair of the Motor Museum of WA and Forum Chair Diggers and Dealers and was formerly National President of Australian Institute of Management and AIM Western Australia.

Jim’s focus on apprentices and training was recognised when he was awarded the GJ Stokes Memorial Award at Diggers and Dealers 2014.

Headshot of John King, panellist at the No Frills VET Research Conference

Mr John King, Managing Director, NCVER

John is an accomplished strategist and leader with extensive public sector and skills policy experience, specializing in data analytics, evaluation, and research.

As the new Managing Director of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research, John will lead the organisation in providing insights into vocational education and training in Australia.

Over the past six years, John has led the development and use of evidence in social policy. In his role as Chief Data Officer at Seer Data and Analytics, he helped community organisations to access and use administrative data effectively. As Executive Director of Analytics, Evaluation, and Research at the Victorian Departments of Health and Families, Fairness and Housing, he pioneered the use of linked data, advanced analytics, and evaluation in health and human services policy and programs.

John previously spent a decade in the Commonwealth, South Australian, and Victorian public services, with a strong focus on skills policy.

He holds an MPA from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a BA (Hons) and LLB (Hons) from the Australian National University.

2. OPEN DISCUSSION: Partnering for success - sharing our knowledge
Headshot of Gavin Lind, Facilitator of panel discussion at NCVER's No Frills VET Research Conference

Facilitator: Mr Gavin Lind, CEO, Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance

Gavin is an accomplished academic and minerals industry executive who has led the evolution of the highly successful Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP) to become the independent Australian Minerals and Energy Skills Alliance (AUSMESA) facilitating greater industry and employer engagement with workforce and skills.

Prior to this, Gavin spent more than a decade in a leadership role in minerals policy and advocacy with the MCA, and had worked professionally for industry, government, and academia in both Australia and South Africa.

In 2013, Gavin received the LH Martin Award for Excellence in Higher Education Leadership for his work promoting minerals education in Australia. Gavin is based in Melbourne.

Headshot of Steve Hall, panellist at NCVER's No Frills VET Research Conference

Mr Steve Hall, General Manager Projects, Powering Skills Organisation

With over 34 years in the electrotechnology industry, Steve’s experiences as an electrician, contractor, business owner and manager across industry and the vocational education and training sector inform his holistic approach to educating the energy workforce.

His current role with the Jobs and Skills Council for the energy sector, Powering Skills Organisation, builds on his work with the Industry Skills Council and Skills Services Organisations. From his lived experience as an apprentice, to his rewarding career in RTO management, his lifelong learning journey is not only something he embraces but drives him to extend those same opportunities to the future generation of energy workers.

Headshot of Lisa Bales, panellist at NCVER's No Frills VET Research Conference

Ms Lisa Bale, Director VET and Innovation, Future Skills Organisation

Lisa is a VET professional who has held executive and senior roles in the Australian and International VET sector. Making significant contributions in her roles as a teacher, head teacher, and director of learning, teaching, and quality at TAFE NSW and Federation University Australia. Additionally, Lisa worked for the Human Services Skills Organisation, at a national level as a leading VET specialist, and now leads the VET + Innovation team at the Future Skills Organisation Jobs and Skills Council.

Lisa has submitted a No Frills abstract on generative AI. The FSO recently undertook research with Mandal Partners to examine the impact of GenAI on occupations and subsequent impact on training package qualifications for the finance, technology and business sectors.

Headshot of Kirsty Waugh, panellist at NCVER's No Frills VET Research Conference

Ms Kirsty Waugh, Director of Training and Product Development, Public Skills Australia

Kirsty Waugh is an accomplished education specialist with more than 15 years’ experience leading the design of diverse learning programs within schools and VET. Her experience spans the private, not-for-profit and public safety sectors.

Prior to joining Public Skills Australia, Kirsty worked in the Fire and Emergency Services industry-sector as the Manager Quality and Evaluation at the CFA. In this role, she supervised the design of learning courses and management of the Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

Kirsty’s unique blend of project management, stakeholder engagement and learning design set her apart as a dynamic leader in the field of education. She is a driving force behind the innovative solutions that empower learners across Public Skills Australia’s industry-sectors.