Abstract - Thursday 11 July

Partnering in AI for multicultural adult education: AMES Australia and Getmee's MyAMES Chat app


Linh Le and Balendran Thavarajah

AMES Australia and Getmee

Theme: Digital Technology


This joint presentation provides the background to and preliminary results of an adult education and industry partnership between AMES Australia (AMES), a major provider of settlement, employment, and education support to multicultural communities, and Getmee, an AI specialist in education and employment advancement. This partnership demonstrates how a cutting-edge AI technology can be used to empower Australia's diverse 21st century workforce with essential digital skills.

This partnership has resulted in the provision of a bespoke AI application ‘MyAMES Chat’ that offers English language support to adult learners new to Australia. The MyAMES Chat app is powered by Getmee AI to enhance language, communication, interview, and employability skills. AI represents an essential element in the toolkit of responses that Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers can offer to improve the pedagogical outcomes of adult learners.

AMES has deployed the MyAMES Chat app to provide for better digital inclusion and technological advancement in education and workforce development in Australia. Early results from an analysis of the MyAMES Chat app rollout indicates the transformative impact of digital technology on adult pedagogy, demonstrating the possibility of providing digital augmentation of existing learning pathways to establish more accessible avenues for skills acquisition. These findings underscore the link between the use of advanced technology within the program and enhanced language and digital capacities of participants.

The program's success illustrates how industry partnerships can be used to address the digital divide and to bring lifelong learning opportunities to diverse Australian communities.

As further research into teacher engagement with AI is conducted; and MyAMES Chat user-feedback is analysed, this will provide further evidence of the benefits and opportunity of AI in the VET sector.

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