Abstract - Thursday 11 July

Industry and TAFE collaborate on resource development in autonomous mining operations


Donna Dejkovski and Caroline Winter
Mining and Automotive Skills Alliance

Theme: Teaching & Learning


AUSMASA is the Jobs and Skills Council, funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations to work with stakeholders in the mining and automotive industries. We work with both sectors to develop workforce strategies that meet the skills demands now and into the future.

Our remit is exciting and innovative. Unlike our predecessors, in addition to the development of high quality training products, our role includes working closely with stakeholders to develop training products and resources that improve training and assessment practices. With this expanded remit, AUSMASA was funded to augment a suite of existing online resources we developed under our previous work as the Mining Skills Organisation Pilot (MSOP), for units in RII21222 Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations.

In this presentation we discuss the novel collaboration between TAFEs and Industry to meet the needs of learners undertaking training through a VET Delivery to Secondary Students (VETDSS) or industry pathway.

Technology and the future of mining:

Across both mining and automotive sectors, embedded technology impacts an increasing number of occupations. The mining sector continues to refine its practices in line with technological advancements, in part, ensuring improved worker safety.

The digital transformation of the mining sector seen through the use of robotic processes, drone technology, autonomous vehicles and automation, is changing the nature and composition of the workforce and worker expectations. It is estimated that 77% of all mining jobs will be affected by technology.

With our focus on ensuring industry has access to skilled workers, we developed a suite of online resources to support delivery of RII21222. The qualification develops the skills needed by autonomous haulage operators and mobile and fixed plant operators, working in autonomous workplace operations. It is also recognised that the core units in this qualification deliver outcomes that can be applied in other industries as well as mining.

VET & Industry partnership:

Across both mining and automotive sectors, embedded technology impacts an increasing number of occupations. The mining sector continues to refine its practices in line with technological advancements, in part, ensuring improved worker safety.

The digital transformation of the mining sector seen through the use of robotic processes, drone technology, autonomous vehicles and automation, is changing the nature and composition of the workforce and worker expectations. It is estimated that 77% of all mining jobs will be affected by technology.

With our focus on ensuring industry has access to skilled workers, we developed a suite of online resources to support delivery of RII21222. The qualification develops the skills needed by autonomous haulage operators and mobile and fixed plant operators, working in autonomous workplace operations. It is also recognised that the core units in this qualification deliver outcomes that can be applied in other industries as well as mining.

Our project brought together four TAFEs, one industry provider and a team of animators, to share knowledge and resources, and produce assessments and other collateral for the delivery and assessment of the four core units of competency in the qualification. Our presentation will showcase this partnership and its work to date.

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