Abstract - Thursday 11 July - afternoon session

Who’s teaching who: Exploring dual professionalism in VET for the Construction and Infrastructure sectors


Kylie Taffard
ConCOVE Tuhura

Theme: International


Vocational education and training (VET) provides multiple learning opportunities to gain relevant skills across various learning environments in the construction and infrastructure sectors. This presentation will present a systematic review of three projects ConCOVE are conducting that focus on different teaching environments: VET learning institution (classroom-based), work-based, and the person who works between the learning institution and the workplace (training advisor). Each of these projects focuses on the training and support for kaiako (educator) present in a learner's journey across different learning environments.

As with many sectors, VET kaiako are required to be dual professionals within the construction and infrastructure sectors. Dual professionals are kaiako who have the industry technical skills and the pedagogical skills to train others. However, the process in which skilled tradespeople gain pedagogical knowledge occurs differently depending on the environment. Each of the three research papers focuses specifically on the environment where the kaiako is conducting the training to understand the level of pedagogical support and professional development provided to the VET kaiako.

The research is being done in three projects, classroom-based, work-based, and the training advisor, to better understand the training requirements and provision for kaiako within their unique environment and role. This presentation will use Systems Change to weave together the strengths and barriers for effective pedagogical training and support for kaiako across different learning environments. Alongside considering the conditions that are holding the current system in place, we aim to present different models to equip kaiako better to support akonga (learners) to be productive members of the construction and infrastructure sectors.

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