Abstract - Friday 12 July

Workforce journey indicators: quantifying how people enter, progress, and exist construction and infrastructure VET and careers in NZ


Nina Herriman
ConCOVE Tuhura

Theme: International


Limited data exists quantifying how people enter, progress through, and exit construction and infrastructure vocational education and careers in New Zealand. This knowledge gap hinders efforts to improve worker outcomes through vocational education and career navigation, especially for priority groups.

We developed integrated workforce journey indicators using data sourced from the Stats NZ Integrated Data Infrastructure (anonymized data at an individual level from government sources). We focused on mapping key workforce journey pools - those preparing to enter, starting their careers, incumbent workers, those leaving the workforce, and retirees from construction and infrastructure jobs.

By analyzing integrated data on these groups spanning sub-industry, demographics, socioeconomics, qualifications, and regional distinctions, we constructed a framework outlining metrics to track and compare career pathways and to understand the contribution of vocational education. These indicators are presented here: https://concove.ac.nz/projects__trashed/workforce-journey-indicators-data-dashboard/

The focus of this presentation will be the framework, the data that has been collected, collated and visualised to populate the first version of the Indicators, and how we are using this initial version to better understand the vocational education needs of the workforce.

ConCOVE connects and aligns industry, learners and vocational education to re-imagine clear, equitable and supported career pathways within the Construction and Infrastructure sector. The Workforce Journey Indicators projects is one of our key projects, and many of our other projects contribute to building the data stories.

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