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The 29th National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ was held ONLINE for the first time.

The theme Workforce ready: challenges and opportunities for VET encouraged us to explore what ‘workforce ready’ means for VET, especially in light of the substantial job losses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

For a summary of the key issues discussed at the conference, download the discussion paper.

Program and presentations

View the PROGRAM here

Copies of presentations (if provided) are available in VOCEDplus, NCVER's international tertiary education research database.

Hear from speakers

Senator The Hon Michaelia Cash, Federal Government Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, gave an opening ministerial address.

Delegates also heard from the Interim National Skills Commissioner Adam Boyton, who spoke on the role of the National Skills Commission in our economic recovery phase.

The Hon Michaelia Cash's presentation

Mr Adam Boyton's presentation

Sponsorship thanks

A big thank you to our sponsors for their valued support.

Cenote logo VETtrak logo 
AVETRA Logo NoFrills2020
VDC logologo of the Australian Industry Skills Committee

Key contacts

For all conference-related enquiries, please contact us.

June Ingham - Team Leader Communications and Events Stephen Tormet - Events and Administration Assistant
E: E:
P: 08 8230 8491 P: 08 8230 8451