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Thursday 24 February 2022, 1.30pm - 2.15pm (ACDT)

There is renewed interest in better aligning vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE). This webinar presents key findings and issues from a recent NCVER research project on qualifications that integrate VET and HE.

The NCVER report The best of both worlds? Integrating VET and higher education explored the characteristics and sustainability of different models of highly integrated VET and HE qualifications. The research found that highly integrated arrangements are difficult and expensive to develop, and often difficult to sustain. These models may be more widespread and sustainable, however, if providers are supported with the expertise and resources to undertake mapping processes, where providers and their staff in the two sectors trust and value each other, where employers value both VET and HE, and students find demands associated with integrated offerings acceptable.

Webinar participants will gain insights about:

  • The context of integrated qualifications
  • The challenges of developing integrated qualifications
  • Conditions that may improve the sustainability of integrated qualifications
  • Research participants' experiences of developing and running integrated qualifications.


Steven Hodge

Steven Hodge is a member of the Griffith Institute for Educational Research (GIER) and School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University, where he is Deputy Head of School (Research). His research areas include:

  • VET policy and practice
  • Competency-based training
  • Curriculum theory.

He has previously collaborated with Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD), Skills Impact SSO, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), Deloitte, TAFE Queensland and TAFESA. Prior to joining the research community, Steven worked in private and public training providers in design, training and management roles. He is currently President of the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Association (AVETRA).

Lizzie Knight

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Knight joined the Centre for International Research on Education Systems (CIRES) at Victoria University as a research fellow in 2020. Her research areas include:

  • provision of career information
  • higher vocational education
  • transitions to tertiary education
  • the nature of graduate employment and employability.

A key area of interest is equity of access to and in tertiary education, the provision of institutional information and support for transition into post-school education. Prior to joining CIRES, Lizzie was a research fellow at Monash University. Her role included project managing an Australian Research Council Discovery Project: ‘Vocational institutions, undergraduate degrees: distinction and inequality’ from 2017 to 2020, researching the growth of higher education in TAFE institutes.

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There will also be the opportunity to ask questions live at the webinar.

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