More students in vocational education and training in 2023

Media release

5 September 2024

The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released its latest data, which reveals a substantial increase in the number of students undertaking vocational education and training (VET) in 2023.

The Total VET students and courses 2023 report shows 5.1 million students took part in some form of nationally recognised training in 2023, a 10.8% increase on 2022. Most (3.5 million) studied stand-alone subjects, over 2.1 million studied full qualifications, and 230 000 studied short courses.

Most of the growth in 2023 was in stand-alone subjects, with a 14.0% increase on 2022 and 46.6% increase on 2020. The most popular subjects were cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid, basic emergency life support, preparing to work safely in the construction industry, and responsible service of alcohol.

Figure 1 Students enrolled in nationally recognised training, by type of training, 2019 to 2023 (million)

Graph depicting the numbers of students enrolled in nationally recognised training by the type of training between 2019 to 2023

More students were also studying VET qualifications, with numbers increasing by 6.7% to 2.1 million between 2022 and 2023.  This growth was primarily driven by domestic government-funded students, whose numbers rose by 6.6% to 1.2 million. The most popular qualifications for domestic government-funded students were in early childhood education and care, and individual support.

There was also a considerable rise in international full fee-paying students studying VET qualifications, increasing by 24.9% to 258 000. Most popular were qualifications in the hospitality sector, including commercial cookery and kitchen management.

Figure 2 Students enrolled in qualifications, by funding source, 2019 to 2023 (‘000)

Graph depicting the numbers of students enrolled in qualifications, by funding source, 2019 to 2023

There was a continued shift in the VET system overall towards certificate III and IV qualifications, with lower-level qualifications certificate I and II declining, and higher-level qualifications diploma and advanced diploma remaining relatively steady.

Figure 3 Qualification enrolments, by level of education, 2019 to 2023 (%)

Vertical bar chart depicting the percentage of qualification enrolments by level of education 2019 to 2023


Total VET students and courses 2023 reports the number of students and enrolments in nationally recognised VET on a government-funded or fee-for-service basis, noting many students enrol in more than one type of training.

This publication provides an estimate of the extent and nature of nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) delivered in 2023 by Australian registered training providers (RTOs). Vocational education and training by nature is diverse, spanning a wide range of learning engagements from full-time programs across multiple years, short courses, to stand-alone subjects that were not delivered as part of a nationally recognised program. Student participation can also be wide ranging, with some students receiving training from multiple training providers within the same year.

Download the report: Total VET students and courses 2023

Enquiries: Chantal Deutrom    P: +61 8 8230 8418    E:

About NCVER: we are the main provider of research, statistics and data on Australia’s VET sector. Our services help promote better understanding of VET and assist policy makers, practitioners, industry, training providers, and students to make informed decisions.

This work has been produced by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, with funding provided through the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.