Cover of the publication

Initial and continuing VET in Australia: clarifying definitions and applications

By Michelle Circelli, John Stanwick Research report 12 May 2020 978 1 925717 49 5


The intention of this project was to see whether VET in Australia could be divided into initial and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET) as it is in some other countries in order to provide better information to inform VET policy in terms of teaching and learning and also funding. For this project, in addition to a review of international literature, views were sought from various experts on TVET in Australia. The key finding is that the application of the IVET/CVET dichotomy is problematic in the Australian VET context and instead a classification matrix of learners and learning is provided.


About the research

This report examines whether a distinction can be made in Australian VET between initial vocational education and training (IVET) and continuing vocational education and training (CVET), as applies in a number of other countries. Assisting students to more effectively identify and undertake courses that will optimise their outcomes from VET is the major rationale for this investigation. The other objective of this research is to enhance our understanding of VET, enabling useful input into future policy development and implementation.

This report covers the following:

  • a brief overview of key aspects of IVET and CVET internationally (with a focus on Europe) and commentary on the Australian context
  • an outline of the context of the Australian VET system and the features pertinent to the IVET/CVET distinction
  • a summary of expert views in relation to six questions on the distinction between IVET and CVET.


Initial and continuing VET in Australia clarifying definitions and applications .pdf 1.1 MB Download
Initial and continuing VET in Australia clarifying definitions and applications .docx 1.4 MB Download