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  • Peer-mentoring of students in rural and low-socioeconomic… 12 December 2012

    By David D Curtis, Aaron Drummond, John Halsey, Michael J Lawson

    This study explores the aspirations and intentions for university education among low SES and… Show more

  • Potential factors influencing Indigenous education… 28 November 2012

    By Nicholas Biddle, Timothy Cameron

    The focus of this paper is on the factors, other than access, that influence the decision for… Show more

  • Workforce skills development and engagement in training… 20 November 2012

    By Danielle Ranshaw, David Crean, John Mills, Kaye Bowman

    This report aims to throw some light on the role that skills sets play in meeting the needs of… Show more

  • This report investigates the role that qualifications play in the labour mobility of foreign… Show more

  • Vocational trajectories within the Australian labour market 8 November 2012

    By Serena Yu, Tanya Bretherton, Hanna Schutz

    This report explores the movements that workers make in the workforce and whether there are any… Show more

  • Educating oneself out of social exclusion 2 November 2012

    By Hielke Buddelmeyer, Felix Leung, Rosanna Scutella

    Increasing education and training is considered one means by which to reduce the extent of social… Show more

  • This working paper is an initial examination of what is known about pathways in tertiary education, … Show more

  • Revitalising the 'vocational' in flows of learning… 22 October 2012

    By Leesa Wheelahan, Gavin Moodie, John Buchanan

    This discussion paper introduces the overarching concepts for the three-year research program,… Show more

  • Understanding the nature of vocations today: exploring… 22 October 2012

    By Serena Yu, Tanya Bretherton, Johanna Schutz, John Buchanan

    Focusing on four vocational streams – financial services, primary industry, healthcare/community… Show more

  • Entry to vocations: current policy trends, barriers and… 22 October 2012

    By Kira Clarke, Veronica Volkoff

    As part of the three-year research program, 'Vocations: the link between post compulsory education… Show more

  • Studying beyond age 25: who does it and what do they gain? 18 October 2012

    By Michael Coelli, Domenico Tabasso, Rezida Zakirova

    What would prompt people to undertake education and training in their mid-20s and beyond and what… Show more

  • Missing links: the fragmented relationship between tertiary … 17 October 2012

    By Leesa Wheelahan, Mary Leahy, Nick Fredman, Gavin Moodie, Sophie Arkoudis, Emmaline Bexley

    This report explores the transitions students make in undertaking a second qualification (i.e.… Show more

  • Associate degree or advanced diploma? A case study 16 October 2012

    By Tom Karmel, Tham Lu

    The distinction between VET and higher education in Australia is blurring. The purpose of… Show more

  • The value of completing a VET qualification 10 October 2012

    By Tom Karmel, Peter Fieger

    Using data from the 2009 Student Outcomes Survey, this report looks at the pay-offs of completing… Show more

  • This report compares the outcomes for young people who complete certificate I or certificate II… Show more

  • The training requirements of foreign-born workers in… 26 September 2012

    By Chris Ryan, Mathias Sinning

    In recent decades Australian immigration policy has focused mostly on accepting high-skilled… Show more

  • Over-education, under-education and credentialism in the… 19 September 2012

    By Alfred Michael Dockery, Paul W. Miller

    This report examines whether expansion in education has led to credentialism in the workforce. The… Show more

  • An increasing and important requirement of any funded research program is the ability to… Show more

  • How did young people fare in the 1990s economic downturn? 29 August 2012

    By Ha Vu, Tu Gorgens, J Rob Bray

    To provide insights into how young people may fare in the current economic downturn, this study… Show more

  • Geographical dimensions of social inclusion and VET in… 7 September 2012

    By Aaron Nicholas, Anita Devos, Chandra Shah, Denise Beale, Miriam Faine, Susan Webb

    This paper provides a conceptual basis for a three-year (2011–13) research program exploring the… Show more


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