AVETMISS Compliant Software Register

12 September 2016 Revised: 30 September 2024


The AVETMISS Compliant Software Register contains a list of publicly available student management systems or data entry tools that software vendors have registered as being AVETMISS compliant. This information is designed to help registered training organisations (RTOs) choose an appropriate system.

A vendor may register a software system as AVETMISS compliant if the system fulfils the minimum AVETMISS compliance criteria of producing correctly formatted AVETMISS files.

Important: An AVETMISS compliant software system ensures correctly formatted AVETMISS files but may not check all of your data values. Therefore, your data may still contain errors that require correction before they can be submitted to your State/Territory Training Authority (STA) or NCVER. You can check if your data are AVETMISS compliant by validating your data in NCVER’s free web-based AVETMISS validation software.

AVETMISS compliance pertains to the national reporting requirements only. It does not give assurance that data produced by a software product will meet state or territory reporting requirements.

Product registration is optional. While we aim at encouraging all vendors to register their products, there may be some AVETMISS compliant systems available that are not listed on the register.

The Register

Before consulting the information in the register below, please read the conditions of use:

  1. The information in the register is solely supplied by the software vendors. NCVER cannot verify the information provided and does not take any responsibility for their accuracy or for decisions taken based on the information in the register.

  2. The register does not constitute an endorsement, sponsorship or approval of products by NCVER nor provide any indication of, or guarantee or warranty in relation to, the quality of the software or the support provided by the software vendor.

  3. Product registration is optional. While we aim to encourage all vendors to register their products, there may be some AVETMISS compliant systems available that are not listed on the register.

  4. With the exception of NCVER's AVETMISS Data Entry Tool and AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS), where the term AVETMISS is used in vendor product names, it must be attributed to NCVER as follows "AVETMISS™ and are trademarks of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research" together with a statement that the vendor and/or product is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by NCVER.

  5. It is expected that RTOs take their own steps to ascertain that the information provided by the vendor is accurate and that the system fulfills expectations.

The register is updated with new or updated registrations within five working days of their approval.


NCVER provides the information contained in its Portal solely as a resource for its users without any form of assurance. While NCVER tries to provide high quality content, it does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, appropriateness for use or timeliness of this information.

Visitors to this Portal should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any of the material it contains without first conducting their own investigations and seeking professional advice specific to their own situation if necessary.

The Internet is not a secure medium and communications to and from this Portal may be intercepted or altered in transit. NCVER does not warrant that its Portal is free from anything which may damage any computer which accesses the Portal or data on such computer.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, NCVER will not provide any refund or other remedy to any user who purchases any product listed on NCVER’s Portal.

NCVER disclaims to the extent permitted by law, all liability (including negligence) for all claims losses expenses damages and costs the user may incur as a result of or associated with the use of information on this Portal, or for damage to the user’s website and system or to people linking to NCVER from the user’s Portal(s) caused by or in relation to NCVER’s Portal or for any reason whatsoever.

Notwithstanding the above, in the event that NCVER’s liability cannot be excluded by law, NCVER’s liability to the user (and any party claiming through the user) for any claim for loss or damages made in connection with the use of or purchase from NCVER’s Portal or for damages to the user or another person’s website or systems or for anything else whatsoever, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), under statute, in equity or otherwise shall be strictly limited as follows:

  • for any liability arising from goods supplied by NCVER not meeting the specification or which are said to be otherwise defective or deficient, NCVER’s liability is limited to the cost of replacement of the goods, or the repair of those goods, or the repayment of the invoice price of those goods or payment of the cost of having the relevant goods provided (at the option of NCVER);
  • for any liability arising from services supplied by NCVER not meeting the scope or which are said to be otherwise defective or deficient, NCVER’s liability is limited to the provision of the services again or payment of the cost of having the relevant services provided (at the option of NCVER); and
  • for any liability that does not fall within the scope of the above, NCVER’s liability for any loss or damage arising from or caused in any way by NCVER, the goods or services it supplies or this Portal, is excluded.

NCVER shall not be liable for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from or caused in any way by the goods or services it supplies (including negligence of NCVER), where “indirect, special or consequential loss or damage” includes: any loss of income, profit, production, contract, customers, business opportunity or business; any loss of goodwill or reputation; any loss of value of intellectual property; any loss or damage resulting from the loss or damage to goods or services other than those supplied by NCVER.

AVETMISS Compliant Software Register

Last updated 30 September 2024

A detailed description of the levels of AVETMISS compliance is provided in the AVETMISS compliance section.

You can download the printable version of the AVETMISS Compliant Software Register. (209 KB PDF)

Product AVETMISS release Available in following states/territories Produces AVETMISS files in correct format Verifies mandatory AVETMISS fields (optional) Verifies AVETMISS classifications (optional) Verifies classifications in system files (optional) Unique Student Identifier Compliant[1] Last updated
DATA ENTRY TOOLS (software tools for capturing and exporting training activity data for AVETMISS reporting)
AVETMISS™ Data Entry Tool
(release 1.0)
Company: NCVER


All 10 April 2018
Ace AVETMISS (release V8 version
Company: Ace Avetmiss Pty Ltd


All 18 Dec 2017
AVETMISS Done! (release 1.0 )
Company: JWGecko Innovation Pty Ltd
8.0 All 4 Jul 2019
Student Management Systems (comprehensive student information systems)
accessIQ (release 1 version 5.0)
Company: accessIQ Pty Ltd
8.0 All 1Jul 2023
Advantage (release 1.0 version 1.0)
Company: Penske Stuttgart Pty Ltd https://www.rtoadvantage.com.au/rto-software/
8.0 All   4 May 2020
Ammonite (release 1.0 version 1.0)
Company: Ammonite Pty Ltd https://www.ammonite.com.au/
8.0 All      6 Aug 2020
Company: Androgogic
8.0 All 4 May 2022
Attribute (Release 5 version 25)
Company: Prodata Solutions Pty


All 3 Aug 2017
Audit Answers (release 8 version 8)
Company: RTO Answers Pty Ltd http://auditanswers.com.au/
8.0 All 23 Aug 201
Company: VM Learning
8.0 All 16 Aug 2022
BA Advantage
Company: BSNAPPS Pty Ltd
8.0 All 19 Jan 2023
BA Edge
Company: BSNAPPS Pty Ltd
8.0 All v 19 Jan 2023
Banner Student (release 9, version 9.3.20)
Company: Ellucian Australia Pty Ltd https://www.ellucian.com/
8.0 ACT
  24 Nov 2020
Bluegem LMS Software
(release 29 August 2023, version BGEX V4.3.5045.374 MAIN)
Company: Bluegem Software http://bluegem.com.au/
8.0 All 7 Sep 2023
ChalkPort LearnCentre (release 6 version 985)
Company: ChalkPort
8.0 All   27 Oct 2017
Cloudemy (release 8.0, version 1.0)
Company: Vocational Education Pty Ltd
8.0 All   10 Dec 2020
CourseSales.com (version 6.94)
Company: Course Sales Pty Ltd
8.0 All 5 Mar 2018
eBECAS (release 11 version
Company: Equator Information Technology
8.0 All 6 Oct 2021
ebs (release 4 version 28)
Company: Tribal Group Pty Ltd https://www.tribalgroup.com/
8.0 All   23 Jan 2019


Company: Eloom Pty Ltd









 19 Mar 2024
eMerrge SMS
Company: eMerrge Pty Ltd
8.0 All   15 Mar 2021
Enquiry Mate (release 4.02)
Company: JWGecko Innovation Pty Ltd
8.0 All 5 Mar 2019
eSkilled SMS
Company: eSkilled Pty Ltd
8.0 All 16 May 2024
Frontdesk Enrol
(release Jan 2020, version 2020)
Company: Comoran Pty Ltd
8.0 Vic   20 Apr 2020

Company: Digizervice Pty Ltd


 15 Jan 2024
Icare (release 2.3 version
Company: Omniscient Australia Pty Ltd http://omniscient.com.au/
8.0 All 29 Aug 2018
iLearning PLUS
Company: Seertech Solutions Pty  Ltd
8.0 All   6 Oct 2021
IMC Learning Suite  
Company: IMC
8.0 All      23 Jan 2019
JR Plus (previously JobReady)
Company: ReadyTech
8.0 All 7 Oct 2021
Knowledge Hub
Company: EduSystems Australia http://www.edusystems.com.au/
8.0 All   18 Feb 2021
NRolls Gold (release 9 version 9.7)
Company: SDLC Consulting
8.0 Qld
  16 Aug 2017
Company: ish group
8.0 All 17 Jul 2024
Company: OpenAvemtiss
8.0 All   18 Jan 2022
PowerPro RTO
(release 3.0 version 2022)
Company: Vidatek
8.0 All 22 Feb 2022
RTO Data Cloud
(release 14 July 2022, version 0.5.06)
Company: RTO Data Pty Ltd
8.0 All 26 Jul  2022
(release 2017.4 version 1.1)
Company: Websutra Technology Pty Ltd
8.0 All 8 Feb 2018
Company: SELMA International Limited
8.0 All   1 Jun 2023
Social Planet (release 1 version 1)
Company: Social Planet
8.0 Vic   10 Dec 2019
Strata (release 5.9)
Company: Avaxa Pty Ltd
8.0 All

30 Mar 2021

TEAMS (version 2)
Company: LTO Success Group Pty Ltd
8.0 All 11 Aug 2017
Tuple SMS
Company: Tuple Systems
8.0 All 23 Sep 2021
TUTIS (version 9.7.35)
Company: Tutis Operations Pty Ltd
8.0 All

26 Feb 2018

Vasto Educator (version 5.81)
Company: Vasto Software Pty Limited
8.0 ACT
31 Jan 2024
VET Mate (release 1.0)
Company: JWGecko Innovation Pty Ltd
8.0 All 4 Apr 2019
VETtrak (release 24.x)
Company: VETtrak Pty Ltd
8.0 All 11 Jan 2024
VORX (release 1, version 1))
Company: VORX Group
8.0 All 11 Jun 2020
(release Jan 2020, version 2020)
Company: Comoran Pty Ltd
8.0 Vic   20 Apr 2020
Company: DNA Progression Pty Ltd
8.0 All 24 May 2021
Wisenet Learning Relationship Management
Company: Wisenet Information Systems
8.0 All 23 Sep 2021
Wonder SMS
Company: IRS Private Pty Ltd
8.0All    16 Oct 2023
WorldLearn RTO Module
(release 3 version 4)
Company: WorldLearn Pty Ltd
8.0 All   4 Jul 2018

[1] Sourced from the USI Compatible Student Management Systems Register: https://www.usi.gov.au/help/sms-register

Return to top of the register

Vendor information

Vendors offering student management systems or data entry tools that comply with the minimum requirement for AVETMISS compliance may register their software for the AVETMISS Compliant Software Register.

Vendor registration

Product registration is optional. If you wish to register, please complete the registration form and follow the instructions for submission. You will be notified of your application status within five working days.

NCVER reserves the right to change a registration or remove a product from the register if non-compliance is suspected until a final decision has been made.

Changes to vendor registration details

Has your software release, contact information or website address changed? Please let us know by emailing us at support@ncver.edu.au. We will update the register with your new details.


Your feedback is critical to the success of the register and we welcome your comments and suggestions.

On registered software systems

Are you particularly pleased with a product on the register? Do you have any unresolved concerns about a product? Please let us know by submitting a feedback form.

NCVER will investigate claims of AVETMISS non-compliance or misleading information regarding AVETMISS of a registered product and may change the status of a registration (including the removal of a product) if AVETMISS compliance cannot be verified.

On the AVETMISS Compliant Software Register

Please let us know of your experience with the register. What do you find useful? How could the register be improved? Please submit feedback on the register by emailing us at support@ncver.edu.au

AVETMISS Compliance

A vendor may register a student management system or a data entry tool as AVETMISS compliant when the software fulfils the minimum compliance requirement of producing AVETMISS files in the correct format.

Software systems that offer further support in producing AVETMISS files can be registered for optional compliance requirements. All levels of compliance are displayed in the register.

The data submitted by training organisations for the national collection must fully comply with AVETMISS and be error-free. Use the free web-based AVETMISS validation software to test that data are error-free.

Minimum compliance requirement

Produce AVETMISS files in the correct format

The software system must be able to export training activity data to AVETMISS text files as specified in the AVETMISS VET Provider Collection specifications. There are ten AVETMISS files that a system must be able to create. The files are:

  • Training organisation (NAT00010)
  • Training organisation delivery location (NAT00020)
  • Program (NAT00030)
  • Subject (NAT00060)
  • Client (NAT00080)
  • Client contact details (NAT00085)
  • Disability (NAT00090)
  • Prior educational achievement (NAT00100)
  • Training Activity (NAT00120)
  • Program completed (NAT00130)

For release 8.0, a software system must also be able to produce two additional files if they are supporting training organisations who submit data to a state/territory training authority, but whose training organisation and/or program data does not appear on Training.gov.au. These files are:

  • Training organisation (NAT00010A)
  • Program (NAT00030A)

Optional compliance requirements

Verify mandatory AVETMISS fields

The software system must verify that all mandatory AVETMISS fields are populated as specified in the AVETMISS VET Provider Collection specifications for release 8.0. Fields that include the rule ‘This field must not be blank’ are mandatory fields.

Verify AVETMISS classifications

The software system must verify the values of AVETMISS fields for which the standard defines the permitted values (e.g. Gender ‘F - female’, ‘M - male’, X - other). AVETMISS classifications are specified in the AVETMISS data element definitions for release 8.0.

The following fields are AVETMISS classifications:

♦ At school flag

♦ Commencing program identifier

♦ Date program completed

♦ Delivery mode identifier

♦ Disability flag

♦ Disability type identifier

♦ Funding source - national

♦ Highest school level completed identifier

♦ Indigenous status identifier

♦ Issued flag

♦ Labour force status identifier

♦ Outcome identifier - national

♦ Prior educational achievement flag

♦ Prior educational achievement identifier

♦ Program level of education identifier

♦ Program recognition identifier

♦ Gender

♦ State identifier

♦ Study reason identifier

♦ Survey contact status

♦ Training organisation type identifier

♦ VET flag

♦ VET in schools flag


Verify classifications in system files

The software system must verify the values of AVETMISS fields against the up-to-date reference lists of national training information and classifications as specified in the AVETMISS systems files.

Data must be checked against the following up-to-date system files to be eligible for this level of AVETMISS compliance.


AVETMISS reference list


Update frequency

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Country identifier

Training organisation delivery location


As required


ANZSCO identifier


As required


Program field of education


As required


Subject field of education


As required


Language identifier


As required


Nationally agreed hours


As required


Specific funding identifier


As required