VET qualification completion rates

NCVER Collection


VET qualification completion rates uses the latest collection of total VET activity data to report on the observed actual and projected completion rates of nationally recognised VET qualifications.

Nationally recognised VET qualifications are listed on the National Register of VET in Australia ( and are equivalent to Australian Qualifications Framework Level 1 - Certificate I or higher.

Excluded from the scope of reporting are:

  • non-VET and/or non-nationally recognised training;
  • training undertaken at non-registered training providers;
  • limited training outcomes including: credit transfer, superseded subject, and not yet started; and
  • training undertaken at secondary providers under sub-contracted, auspicing, or partnership arrangements.

The data for VET qualification completion rates are sourced from both the National VET Provider Collection and National VET in Schools Collection and are compiled under the Australian Vocation Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard, release 8.0 (AVETMISS).

Data products

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General users

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Supporting documentation e.g. terms and definitions and explanatory notes are available from the publication page.

Terms & definitions

Regular users

Can understand tables and manipulate data.

Note: The International VET students data visualisation is hosted externally and may request a login when accessing. Please click the Cancel button (may need to do more than once) to continue to the visualisation.

International VET students data visualisation

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Data services

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For more information, see Accessing VET data.

More information

About our data including data release dates

Superseded publications

Superseded publications from this collection may be accessed through the VOCEDplus database.