Student Outcomes Survey - RTO reports

7 September 2023


Each year, the National Student Outcomes Survey (SOS) collects important information about VET students’ satisfaction with their training and their employment and further study outcomes. The survey is designed, subject to response rates, to provide data for registered training organisations (RTOs) with:

  • 100 or more qualification completers
  • 100 or more short course completers
  • 550 or more qualification part-completers
  • 250 or more short course part-completers and/or
  • 550 or more subject(s) only completers.

RTOs that met the above criteria and/or had enough survey responses for their students may be eligible to obtain a report summarising their students’ survey responses, alongside national and state comparisons. Some RTOs are eligible to receive more than one report, depending on the type of students we surveyed.

Further information about the survey, including frequently asked questions, is available from the Student Outcomes Survey page.

Report availability

The 2023 SOS RTO reports are available now via a secure File Exchange Portal, which is managed by the fieldwork contractor, The Social Research Centre.

To ensure data are appropriately protected, NCVER will only disclose student outcomes and satisfaction data about RTOs to an authorised person within the RTO. Some RTO Chief Executive Officers have already nominated an authorised person and this person received an email from with instructions on how to access their 2023 report(s) via the File Exchange Portal.

To check if your RTO has an authorised person or to nominate a new authorised person, the Chief Executive Officer must email NCVER via

A new online version of the reports is coming soon

The SOS RTO reports have historically been available in a pdf format.

In the second half of 2024, NCVER will release a prototype of the 2023 SOS RTO reports in a new online format. This online product will be available via NCVER’s DataHub, which is a platform that enables secure sign-in to a range of customised NCVER data and reporting products. Your RTO’s CEO and/or your DataHub administrator will be invited to access this new online product in the first instance.

For more information about NCVER’s DataHub see the Information Kit.