VET student outcomes

NCVER Collection


Presented here are data on the outcomes of Australian students who completed their vocational education and training (VET) in Australia in the previous calendar year. The information is derived from the National Student Outcomes Survey, which is an annual survey of those who completed or partially completed training.

Information is presented on VET students’ reasons for training, their employment outcomes, satisfaction with training, and further study outcomes.

For survey timings and more information, see our VET statistics explained page.

Data products

Results of the Student Outcomes Survey are published late November/early December each year, once fieldwork is completed in August.

Please select the appropriate tool depending on whether you are a general, regular or expert user of data.

General users

Have a basic understanding of data.

Supporting documentation, including terms and definitions, explanatory notes, how to interpret the survey, the questionnaire and technical notes, is available from the publication page.

VET student outcomes publication VET student outcomes online data dictionary 2024 How to interpret survey results

Regular users

Can understand tables and manipulate data.

VET student outcomes databuilder Gov-funded qualification completer outcomes: time series data tablesVET qualification completer outcomes by qualification data tables

Expert users

Have a sophisticated understanding of data and its uses, including items and concepts.

Note: Access to this detailed data in VOCSTATS is free but requires registration.

VOCSTATS interactive database

Data services

If you can't find what you need from the above tools, we may be able to provide you with customised data to meet your requirements. This service will be charged on a cost recovery basis.

For more information, see Data access and charges: data and library information.

Superseded publications

VET student outcomes 2023

VET student outcomes 2022

VET student outcomes 2021

Superseded publications from this collection may also be accessed through the VOCEDplus database.